Friday, June 30, 2017

கண்ணன் துதி - மகா கவி பாரதியார்

The fact that this world is full of contradictions. It is full of pleasures and miseries / Good and evil /life and death, has been beautifully explained in this poem by Barathiyar. 

This poem is structured in such a way that he is wondering about the beauty of the contradictions of the COD's Creations and enquiring GOD's Way.

கண்ணன் துதி - மகா கவி பாரதியார் 
காயிலே புளிப்பதென்னே?
 கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
கனியிலே இனிப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே!
நோயிலே படுப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
நோன்பிலே உயிர்ப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே!

காற்றிலே குளிர்ந்ததென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
கனலிலே சுடுவதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே!
சேற்றிலே குழம்பலென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
திக்கிலே தெளிந்ததென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே!

ஏற்றிநின்னைத் தொழுவதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
எளியர் தம்மைக் காப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே!
போற்றினோரைக் காப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
பொய்யர் தம்மை மாய்ப்பதென்னே?
  கண்ண பெருமானே! 3

போற்றி! போற்றி! போற்றி! போற்றி!
  கண்ண பெருமானே! -- நீ
பொன்னடி போற்றி நின்றேன்,
  கண்ண பெருமானே!
Now a little more about these Dualistic Expressions in the words of Vivekananda ,
 Though good and evil appear to be contradictory to each other, they are not so. They are not two separate existences.but different manifestations of the same unit, life and death, sorrow and happiness, good and evil

 These lines are from my Guru Swami Vivekananda in his complete works explaining Unit in Diversity of this dualistic expressions.

The dualistic conception that good and evil are two separate entities, and that they are both going on eternally is absurd on the face of it. They are the diverse manifestations of one and the same fact, one time appearing as bad, and at another time as good. The difference
does not exist in kind, but only in degree. 

They differ from each other in degree of intensity. The same phenomenon will produce pleasure in one, and pain in another. The eating of meat produces pleasure to a man, but pain to the animal which is eaten.There has never been anything which gives pleasure to all alike. Some are pleased, others displeased. So on it will go. Therefore, this duality of existence is denied

If good increases in arithmetical progression, evil increase in geometrical progression. And this is Maya. This is neither optimism nor pessimism. Vedanta does not take the position that this world is only a miserable one.Do not think that good and evil are two, are two separate essences, for they are one and the same thing, appearing in different degrees and in
different guises and producing differences of feeling in the same mind.

This is a world of good and evil. Wherever there is good, evil follows, but beyond and behind all these manifestations, all these contradictions, the Vedanta finds out that Unity. It says, 

"Give up what is evil and give up what is good." What remains then?

Behind good and evil stands something which is yours, the real you, beyond every evil, and beyond every good too, and it is that which is manifesting itself as good and bad. Know that first,and then and then alone you will be a true optimist, and not before; for then you will be able to control everything.
Control these manifestations and you will be at liberty to manifest the real "you".First find out that you are not the slave of nature, never were and never will be; that this nature, infinite as you may think it, is only finite, a drop in the ocean, and your Soul is the ocean; you are beyond the stars, the sun, and the. 

 They are like mere bubbles compared with your infinite being. Know that, and you will control both good and evil. 

Then alone the whole vision will change and you will stand up and say, 
"How beautiful is good and how wonderful is evil!"
You make yourselves suffer, you make good and evil, and it is you who put your hands before your eyes and say it is dark. Take your hands away and see the light; you are effulgent, you are perfect already, from the very beginning. 

We now understand the verse: 
"He goes from death to death who sees the many here." See that One and be free.

As rain falling upon a mountain flows in various streams down the sides of the mountain, so all the energies which you see here are from that one Unit. It has become manifold falling upon Maya. Do not run after the manifold; go towards the One.

 "He is in all that moves; He is in all that is pure; He fills the universe; He is in the sacrifice; He is the guest in the house; He is in man, in water, in animals, in truth; He is the Great One.