Sunday, July 24, 2016

Bharathi - Infinite Pleasure from Absolute Freedom (எத்தனை கோடி இன்பம் !)

          As a Student,when we have to study Bharathiyar songs as part of Tamil Language as subject in the school days, I feel hatred of reading his poems in poetic form and memorising it. Later on hearing his songs being pictured in Tamil films, it was inspiring and patriotic. Then viewed him as a freedom fighter who enlightened people with his poems. It is when Singer Mrs Anruadha sri ram mentioned about his poems and writings in one of her interview, i got to realise about the value of his writings and its depth. His poems not only inspirational and patriotic and it is beyond that.

This is my first step in exploring his poems and there by his depth of thoughts.

பல்லவி எத்தனை கோடியின்பம் வைத்தாய் -எங்கள்      இறைவா!    இறைவா!    இறைவா!                 (எத்தனை)                                                 சரணங்கள் 
1 . சித்தினை அசித்துடன் இணைத்தாய்  -அங்குச்      சேருமைம பூதத்து வியனுல கமைத்தாய்     அத்தனை  யுலகமும் வர்ணக் களஞ்சிய      மாகப் பலபல நல் லழகுகள் சமைத்தாய்     (எத்தனை) 
௨. முக்தியென்   றொருநிலை   சமைத்தாய் -அங்கு      முழுதினையு முணரு முணர் வமைத்தாய்       பக்தி  என்றொரு நிலை வகுத்தாய் எங்கள்       பரமா, பரமா பரமா. 


 Oh! Lord. Oh! Lord Oh! Lord You made this world where one can enjoy infinite bliss!.
You have joined divine with non-divine. (man is to become divine by realising the divine  hidden in him through self-conscious. One should raise the self by the self.)

   You made this wonderful world  mixing five elements.(Fire,Air,Space,Water,Earth)

And you created this whole world as a  colourful encylopedia of many beautiful things.

You have created a state named Mukti(absolute freedom  where man will get to know about  Absolute Existence, Absolute Knowledge,and Absolute Bliss.)


You defined a state named Bhakti (is intense love to God"; "When a man gets it, he loves all, hates none; he becomes satisfied for ever). 

 Oh Lord!  Lord Oh! Lord!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Surya Namaskar - Early Rising habit

The habit of early wakeup is really difficult to put in to practice as daily routine especially as being a software engineer with nightly status calls to attend to. Thanks to my brother who suggested me to practice Surya namaskar regularly at early morning. This has pushed me to wake up early for the sake of keeping the body active. It also helps to alleviate mental stress , by allocating some time for toning your body and listening to your breathing. This forms a compelling reason that wakes me up early every day.Personally i feel rejuvenated and proud of practising this treasured ART which our ancestors left for us.It gives "ME" time for me at the start of the day before the busier part begins.

Now about surya namaskar which has 12 movements separated in to 6 forward and 6 backward movements. The best part of it is , it is very easy to learn for beginners who are starting to practice Yoga.

Brief description of each of the movement.


Meaning prayer pose. The palms are brought together touching one’s own heart when bowing down and greeting others. This gesture with the hands is called Pranamasana.

2. Hasta Uttanasana

Meaning Raised arms pose.(aka) crescent moon pose.It expands the chest and the rib cage resulting in full intake of oxygen. The lung capacity is fully utilised.

3. Pada Hastasana

Meaning Hands to Foot pose.Try to bring the head in as close to the knees as possible with the neck relaxed.In the beginning, hold the posture for 5 seconds. It will take some time to practice this pose.

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian posture)

Meaning horse riding pose. The name comes from the Sanskrit words ashvameaning“horse,” sanchalana, meaning “stepping movement” (like a march) and asana,meaning 

5. Parvatasana (Mountain posture)

Parvatasana comes from the Sanskrit words parvata, meaning “mountain,” andasana, meaning “pose." In parvatasana, the body is thought to resemble the shape of a mountain. Take 5 deep breaths while in this position.

6.Ashtanga Namaskara (Salutation with eight limbs)

The following 8 parts touch the floor – The two feet, the two knees, the two palms, the chest and the chin. Hence this name.

7. Bhujangasana (Cobra posture)

 In Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose, the head and trunk resembles a cobra with raised hood, hence the name (‘Bhujanga’ means Cobra in sanskrit).

Then #5, #4, #3 , #2 , #1 follows completing the surya namskar sequence.

The most exciting part of it is that, it is really cool to watch the sunrise at 5.45 A.M here at Bangalore. The view itself makes you spritual!.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Swami Vivekananda works- Infinite is finite and finite infinite.

How wonderful it all is! Look at the human eye. How easily it can be destroyed, and yet the biggest suns exist only because your eyes see them. The world exists because your eyes certify that it exists. Think of that mystery! These poor little eyes! A strong light, or a pin, can destroy them. Yet the most powerful engines of destruction, the most powerful cataclysms, the most wonderful of existences, millions of suns and stars and moons and earth — all depend for their existence upon, and have to be certified by, these two little things! They say, "Nature, you exist", and we believe nature exists. So with all our senses.
What is this? Where is weakness? Who is strong? What is great and what is small? What is high and what is low in this marvellous interdependence of existence where the smallest atom is necessary for the existence of the whole? Who is great and who is small? It is past finding out! And why? Because none is great and none is small. All things are interpenetrated by that infinite ocean; their reality is that infinite; and whatever there is on the surface is but that infinite. The tree is infinite; so is everything that you see or feel — every grain of sand, every thought, every soul, everything that exists, is infinite. Infinite is finite and finite infinite. This is our existence. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Midnight UNIX YANK

Today i spent arround 2 hours in digging log files in search of relevant logs to trace through the system behaviour to trouble shoot an issue....

Below are the things i learned,

SCP(Secure Copy) the file from AMAZON EC2
syntax : scp <userName>@<hostName>:<remoteFilePath> <localfile>
scp ec2-user@staging2:/tmp/test1.out .

Copy(YANK) Multiple Lines in VI editor

  1. press Escape to go to VI mode
  2. press V will take to VISUAL mode
  3. select the text to copy(aka) yank
  4. press y.This will copy the contents to REGISTER(CLIPBOARD)
  5. To paste in same file
    1. Place the cursor in the place to copy
    2. press p will paste the contents already copied
  6. To paste in different file
    1. open the another file
      1. : o <filePath>
      2. In the another file press p to Paste

Friday, July 8, 2016

English as Foreign Mother Language

Though we all have mother language to speak/express. We all are affiliated to english as mother language, right from the day when we started learning at school in english mode. Remembering the school days when i used to just memorise the words without understanding the true meaning of it , molecules , atoms , to name a few. Worst are the days when i have to memorise even the conjunctions and adjectives and struggling to make up my own sentences...

somehow Memorising part was over in the late school days after done with middle level... a level i need to interact with people whose true mother tongue is ENGLISH. Yes as a software engineer working for USA clients, my day starts interacting with those ENGLISH people.
Really getting embarrassed when my pronunciation goes wrong , or when i am using wrong words in a wrong context...

To the funniest part, today i mis pronounced a name "MICHELLE". It sounds really different.
For those who don't know it yet,

  • MICHELLE  --> mih - shEHI
  • MICHELLE --> mike aile

Hmm.. need to accept that. we are living in a world where ENGLISH is the true intercommunication language across countries. 

Happy Communicating English every one!!.